Richland Bombers
Tough as nails, Hard as bricks, We're the
CLASS of 1956
50 YEAR REUNION in 2006
September 8 - 9 - 10 ~ Shilo Inn in Richland
Picture provided and scanned by Sandra Moss Laws
Click links below for blow ups
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CENTER section of picture ~
RIGHT side of picture
BACK ROW (7): Harvey Chapman, Ron Jones (husband of Colleen Sheeran Jones), Bob Lattin, John Blum, Jerry Martin, Bob Gulley, Bob Mosteller, Bob Arnold, Bernie Qualheim, Bill Hartley, Grover Shegrud, Jon Veigel, Paul Henry, Gene Duran, Ron Stephens
ROW 6: Marian Hall, Arlene Snyder, Keith Thomas, Nick Speed, Richard Adkins, Dwain Mefford, Paul Webster, Ken O'Connor, Richard Molnaa, Bob Tanner, Verne Huske, Jim Bobo, George Rhyneer, Gene Lakey, Bill Berlin, Ben Hodges
ROW 5: Teacher, Tom Sullivan (from Carmichael), Richard Brodaczynski, Jay McCue, Marie Gould, Diane Anderson, Diane Avedovech, Gary Lawrence, Fred Coffman, Sid Crawford, Steve Clinehens, David Barfuss, Sandra Moss, Nick Nelson, Don Shelby, Duane Skeen
ROW 4: Bob Butler, Terry Shegrud, Shirley Davis, Margaret Lyneis, Colleen Sheeran, Annette Verellen, Nancy Knepp, Carol Kibler, Carol Ritz, Winema McGilbry, Ron Holeman, Bob Olson, Ronald McClellan
ROW 3: Larry Harrold, John Myers, John Irwin, Peggy Ridley, Sharon Clark, Barbara Pierce, Gayle Ryals, Benita Wahl, Carol Williams, Betty Pyle, Helen Haag, Lauretta Roestel, Marline Tappan, Arlene Wallace, Polly Hills, Pat Finney, Eleanor Knoll, Jim Hoglund
ROW 2: John Williams, Rob Hatfield, Ruth White, Sally Foley, Ruth Hunter, Gwen Burnett, Beverly Edwards, Marilyn Hendricks, Joyce Harness, Barbara Baalman, Bonnie Beardsley, Norma Callahan, Sonja Rittenhouse, Jane Judson, Barbara Graham, Myrna Briggs
FRONT ROW (1): Lennardine Worrell, Sandy Howerter, Nola Davey, Lois Weyerts, Karol Brimhall, Mike VanWyck, Carol Purkhiser, Maureen Doyle, Shirley Bumgarner, Nilda DeLaPuente, John Robinson
read during the class of 56 reunion's period of remembrances
THE BOMBER CLASS OF ‘56 by Duane Skeen
This is the big one there can be no doubt,
reunion number 50 has finally come about.
How could so many years have sped by so fast,
for it seems only yesterday when we attended class.
Once again we are meeting and recalling those days gone past,
when we were a little younger and having a blast.
Should we be sad that so many years have gone by?
Well not at all and here are the reasons why.
We were taught well in school each and every day,
for we had the best teachers who really earned their pay.
They taught us what we needed to know at the time,
and to reach the top of the ladder that we soon would climb.
Here on this day as we look around,
we remain a proud bunch and still upward bound.
Grandparents we may be, and some have careers now ended,
but we are in the next phase of fun times extended.
There are those no longer with us who almost seem present when their names appear,
for they remain in the hearts and minds of all gathered here.
So let’s make these days together like those we knew fifty years ago,
and let the world see that our class of ‘56 Bombers is still on the go.
We’ll laugh at old times from the stories that are told,
and find the hours remove any hint of our looking old.
Those younger folks in Richland now running this place,
will see that they can not even begin to pick up our pace.
-Duane Skeen
page started: 10/05/06
page updated: 06/30/12
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'56 IN '06 - GOLDEN