Above picture scanned by Gary Behymer ('64)
The following information sheet on "Boom Days" at Hanford was picked off
a Hanford barracks wall some years back by Artie McDaniels, Kennewick:
~ Number of employees quartered in barracks: 40,000
~ Number of barracks moved from Hanford by truck-trailer & from Pasco
Naval Air Base by trailer and river barge to house workers: more than 150
Picture scanned by John Northover ('59)
~ Number of employees quartered in trailer camps: 8,000
Picture (above) scanned by Gary Behymer ('64)
Click here to see MORE Pictures of the World's Largest Trailer Park
Picture (above) scanned by Karen Cole Correll ('55)
~ $3,500,000 worth of meal tickets in 8 months through payroll dedections.
~ Meal tickets sold for cash not included in above.
Mess Hall #2 Meal tickets cost $12.60 // squares around the edge: $.10, $.50, and $.60
If the meal cost $.70 then "60" and "10" squares were punched.
All meal ltickets scanned by Burt Pierard ('59)
~ 1,000,000 meal ticket cards on file.
~ Four million lunch boxes sold from July, 1943, to October, 1944.
~ Eight mess halls, 2,700 in each hall at each setting is the capacity, usually 3 settings.
Picture (above) from "The Long Road to Self Government" (page 6) compiled by Paul Beardsley.
~ 272,000 pounds of processed meat, ready for oven or grill used in one week.
~ 3,000 pounds of sausage used for one breakfast.
~ 2,500 pounds of pot roast for one meal.
~ 18,000 pork chops for one meal for one mess hall.
~ 11,000 pounds of swiss steak for one meal for all mess halls.
~ 250,000 pounds of meat used for all mess halls for one week.
~ 15 tons of potatoes for one mess hall each day.
~ 5,000 heads of lettuce for each meal for one mess hall.
~ 1,200 pounds of onions for one meal for one mess hall.
~ 900 full pies for one meal for one mess hall.
~ 1,000 pounds of coffee for one day for one mess hall.
~ 30,000 doughnuts for one day.
~ 2,200 loaves of bread used each day for sandwiches, not counting bread on tables.
~ Sandwich machine makes 360 sandwiches an hour. Three machines in operation.
~ 10,000 newspapers sold each day by recreation halls.
~ 16,000 packages of cigaretts sold each day.
~ 12,000 gallons of beer consumed each week (13 carloads).
~ 2,000 keys for barracks lost each month by employees.
~ Menus are prepared 60 days in advance.
~ The only time fried eggs can be served is Sunday morning because meals
are served over a longer period of time.
NOTE: I noted that they could only serve fried eggs on Sunday morning.
Not so, I would fry cases of eggs EVERY morning and serve them at my
steam table and there must have been another six or eight tables doing
the same thing. In fact, I got so proficient at cracking eggs, I could
lay four on the grill at once, two in each hand..... Jerry Oakley (RHS class of '51)
~ 6,500 eggs are used for Sunday breakfast.
~ 700 cases of Coca Cola a day 600 gallons of ice cream a day.
~ It would take 250 good cows to supply the milk for one breakfast.
~ 1,785,000 sheets washed. If these were tied together they would reach
from Hanford to New York City.
~ Automatic doughnut machine makes 18,000 per hour.
~ 12,000 turkeys for Thanksgiving (22 tons of turkey -- 12 tons of ham)
~ Hanford is the largest voting precinct in the U.S.
~ Hanford has the largest general delivery post office in the world.
~ Over 30 months, Hanford workers built 554 buildings, 386 miles of road,
158 miles of railroad, three massive plutonium extraction plants and
the world's first three production-scale nuclear reactors.