Richland Bombers
Future class of '56
Marcus Whitman Elementary School
Sixth Grade ~ Mr. Fjerstad

Click the picture to see LARGER faces.
Click to see LARGER faces
Picture provided by Bernie Qualheim

Future class of '56

BACK ROW: 1.RichardAnderson, 2.JoyceHarness, 3._______, 4.RoseannNickelson, 5._______, 6._______, 7.Mr.Fjerstad.

MIDDLE ROW: 1.LoreliGriffin, 2.FaithHall, 3.DuaneAlred, 4.VerneHuske, 5.BernieQualheim, 6.BobKoger, 7.RexHogan(?), 8.Carolyn_____.

FRONT ROW: 1.JohnLindblum, 2._______, 3._______, 4.GwenBurnett, 5.MaryMcDermott, 6.RexHogan(?)~OR~BobLane(?), 7.BillEnos.

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page started: 04/02/03
page updated: 06/30/12
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