Picture and text submitted by Bev Smith Jochen ('52)

Found this in a scrapbook dealing with my teen age years and the date underneath was July, 1949!!! I was 15 years old and playing center field in the Women's League for Rainbow Service. There were only about 8 of us "young-'uns" in the league. Since it was a "women's" league, we really felt like HOT STUFF!

Some of the other "Bomber Alums" who played that year were Marilyn Richey ('53), Betty Byrd Arey ('53) and Beth Verellen ('52) for Richland Laundry; Pat Mulligan Cassidy ('53) for C.C. Anderson's and Mary Ann Baudendistel Saunders ('52) as well as myself for Rainbow Service. The other team in the League was Standard Service.

These games were played in Memorial Field in Howard Amon Park - recently voted to be replaced by a new Richland Senior Center/parking lot - and were very well attended and supported by all ages. There were also numerous men's leagues as well as church leagues, etc.

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